Jacques DumaisProfesor Titular de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencia UAI.

Grado Académico

Ph.D. en Biología, Stanford University, EE.UU.

M.Sc. en Biología, University of British Columbia, Canadá.

B.Sc. en Biología y Ecología, Université de Sherbrooke, Canadá.



Profesor titular del área de Bioingeniería de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez desde julio 2012. Líder del Laboratorio de Biomimética en la sede de Viña del Mar.

Durante su doctorado comenzó sus estudios sobre la mecánica y el crecimiento de las células vegetales. Continuó trabajando en este tema como postdoctorado en el Departamento de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Física Teórica de la Universidad de Cambridge. En 2003, se integró como profesor al Departamento de Biología Evolutiva de la Universidad de Harvard donde trabajó nueve años.

Su trabajo se ha publicado en revistas internacionales como Nature, Science, y Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Sus contribuciones en el área de la biomecánica han sido reconocidas con diversos premios incluyendo el “Outstanding paper of the year” del Journal of Experimental Biology (2009); profesor invitado en École Normale Supérieure, Paris (2007); y la Medalla de Oro del Gobernador General de Canadá (1996).



1.- Mecánica y crecimiento de las células vegetales, incluydo los fenomenos de “tip growth” y “diffuse growth”.


2.- Division celular y “patterning” en los tejidos vegetales


3.- Captura de nieblina por las plantas de los ecosistemas desérticos



Biophysical Principles Behind Fog Collection in Plants

Fondecyt Regular
: investigator principal 03/01/13 – 02/27/16

Collaborative Research: New Methods in Phyllotaxis

National Science Foundation: 
associated investigator
 03/01/06 – 02/28/10

From the Cytoskeleton to Cell Shape: Multiscale Control of Cell Growth

Human Frontier Science Program: associated investigator
 09/01/06 – 08/31/10

Plants as Microfluidics Systems

Milton Fund (Harvard
 University): investigator principal 07/01/05 – 06/30/06


Dumais J. 2013. Beyong the sine law of plant gravitropism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.110: 391–392.

Càmpas, O, ER Rojas, J Dumais, and L Mahadevan. 2012. Strategies for cell shape control in tip-growing cells. American Journal of Botany 99: 1577-1582.

Noblin, X, N Rojas, J Westbrook,C Llorens, M Argentina, and J Dumais. 2012. The fern sporangium: a unique catapult. Science 335: 1322.

Dumais, J and Y Forterre. 2012. “Vegetable Dynamicks”: The role of water in plant movements. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 44: 453–478.

Rojas, ER, S Hotton, J Dumais. 2011. Chemically-mediated mechanical expansion of the pollen tube cell wall. Biophysical Journal 101: 1844–1853.

Forterre, Y and J Dumais. 2011. Perspective: Generating helices in nature. Science 333: 1715- 1716.

Zwieniecki, MA and J Dumais. 2011. Quantifying green life: Grand challenges in plant biophysics. Frontiers in Plant Science: Plant Biophysics and Modeling. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2011.00031: 1-4

Besson, S and J Dumais. 2011. Universal rule for the symmetric division of plant cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 6294–6299. (with commentary by P. Pruzinkiewicz, PNAS 108: 5933-5934)

Ambrosi, D, GA Ateshian, EM Arruda, M Ben Amar, SC Cowin, J Dumais, A Goriely, GA Holzapfel, JD Humphrey, R Kemkemer, E Kuhl, J Ma, JE Olberding, LA Taber, R Vandiver, K Garikipati. 2011. Perspectives on biological growth and remodeling. Journal for the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59: 863-883.

Evangelista, D, S Hotton, and J Dumais. 2011. The mechanics of explosive dispersal and self-burial in the seeds of the filaree, Erodium cicutarium (Geraniaceae). Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 521-529.

Martone, PT, M Boller, I Burgert, J Dumais, J Edwards, K Mach, N Rowe, M Rueggeberg, R Seidel, and T Speck. 2010. Mechanics without muscle: biomechanical inspiration from the plant world. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50: 888–907..

Katifori, I, S Alben, E Cerda, DR Nelson, and J Dumais. 2010. Foldable structures and the natural design of pollen grains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 7635–7639.

Noblin, X, S Yang, and J Dumais. 2009. Surface tension propulsion of fungal spores. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 2835-2843.

Isnard, S, AR Cobb, NM Holbrook, M Zwieniecki, and J Dumais. 2009. Tensioning the helix: A mechanism for force generation in twining plants. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 276: 2643- 2650.

Dumais, J. 2009. Plant morphogenesis: A role for mechanical signals. Current Biology 19: R207- R208.

Geitmann, A and J Dumais. 2009. Not-so-tip-growth. Plant Signaling and Behavior 4: 136-138.

Bernal, RV, ER Rojas, and J Dumais. 2007. The mechanics of tip growth morphogenesis: what we have learned from rubber balloons. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2: 1157-1168.

Dumais, J. 2007. Can mechanics control pattern formation in plants? Current Opinion in Plant Biology 10: 58-62.

Hotton, S, V Johnson, J Wilbarger, K Zwieniecki, P Atela, C Golé, J Dumais. 2006. The possible and the actual in phyllotaxis: Bridging the gap between empirical observations and iterative models. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 25: 313-323.

Dumais, J, SL Shaw, CR Steele, SR Long, and PM Ray. 2006. An anisotropic-viscoplastic model of plant cell morphogenesis by tip growth. International Journal of Developmental Biology 50: 209-222.

Forterre, Y, JM Skotheim, J Dumais, and L Mahadevan. 2005. How the Venus flytrap snaps. Nature 433: 421-425.

Dumais, J, SR Long, and SL Shaw. 2004. The mechanics of surface expansion anisotropy in Medicago truncatula root hairs. Plant Physiology 136: 3266-3275.

Kwiatkowska, D, and J Dumais. 2003. Growth and morphogenesis at the vegetative shoot apex of Anagallis arvensis L. Journal of Experimental Botany 387: 1585-1595.

Dumais, J, and D Kwiatkowska. 2002. Analysis of surface growth in shoot apices. Plant Journal 31: 229-241.

Dumais, J, and LG Harrison. 2000. Whorl morphogenesis in the dasycladalean algae: the pattern formation viewpoint. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B 355: 281-305.

Dumais, J, and CR Steele. 2000. New evidence for the role of mechanical forces in the shoot apical meristem. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 19: 7-18.

Dumais, J, K Serikawa, and DF Mandoli. 2000. Acetabularia: a unicellular model for understanding subcellular localization and morphogenesis during development. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 19: 253-264.

Shaw, SL, J Dumais, and SR Long. 2000. Cell surface expansion in polarly growing root hairs of Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiology 124: 959-969.